>Well, if you want to start with something big, there's the problem of the
>authenticity of the Helen-episode in Book 2, denounced (by George Goold in
>a celebrated article in HSCP) and defended (most recently by Rory Egan in
>EMC) with equal vigor. On a smaller scale, I believe that discussions of
>some problems involving variant readings are to be found in J.E.G. Zetzel's
>"Latin Textual Criticism in Antiquity," and that there is a book by
>Sebastiano Timpanaro -- the name, unfortunately, escapes me 

_Per la storia della filologia virgiliana antica_ (Quaderni di
"Filologia e critica" VI; Rome: Salerno Editrice, [1986])
>-- that deals
>with some of them. But rest assured that the literature is substantial.
>Unlike most Latin authors, the problems in Virgil's text lie not so much in
>the manuscript tradition as in the ancient secondary tradition, with
>alternate readings reported in commentaries and in authors like Gellius but
>only occasionally represented in the ancient manuscripts, with the evidence
>frequently difficult to evaluate.
One aspect of that (readings said to have been commended by Probus;
whether from MSS or his own conjecture is disputed) is considered by
Maria Luisa Delvigo, _Testo virgiliano e tradizione indiretta. Le
varianti probiane_ (Biblioteca di _Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi
dei test classici, 5; Pisa, Giardini, 1987).

Leofranc Holford-Strevens
Leofranc Holford-Strevens
67 St Bernard's Road                                         usque adeone
Oxford               scire MEVM nihil est, nisi ME scire hoc sciat alter?

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