In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Hans Zimmermann
>Patrick Roper schrieb:
>> One of the problems, I imagine, is that the Latin that was still in
>> spoken use until the late Middle Ages had changed substantially from
>> Classical Latin 
>(first: thank you,)
>the changes of pronunciation of c (from k to ts) might have been in early 
>Emperors time (Kaiserzeit),
Late rather than early; the Greeks went on transcribing it with kappa
and the Germanic peoples acquired the word with initial k, and the ai
diphthong as in *stainaz (hence Old High German keisar like stein, Old
Engish caser like stan). In Sardinia, the k has remained unshifted:
kentu '100', as it did in the diwlect of Veglia (now called Krk), before
that died out at the beginning of the last century.
> that of the diphthongs in the first century ante 
>Christum natum, as we suppose by the changing from "Claudius" to "Clodius" in 
>the case of plebeisation (to be a candidate for tribunus plebis)
At Rome yes, down to Vespasian's time, but not in the provinces: au was
preserved in Provençal and Romanian, and took a different path in
French, Portuguese, and Italian from long closed o. Actually the social
data of Claudius > Clodius are interesting. The radical patrician turned
plebeian called himself Clodius in the lower-class manner, but his
sisters were called Clodia anyway, whereas no member of the plebeian
noble house of Claudii Marcelli used the -o- form; they stood on their

Leofranc Holford-Strevens
Leofranc Holford-Strevens
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