From: webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <webmas...@krackedpress.com>
To: marketing@libreoffice.org
Sent: Thu, 12 May, 2011 22:33:19
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Simple general LibreOffice flyer (WAS 
Re: Document Freedom Day Artwork)

On 05/12/2011 10:49 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
> Hi :)
> Bsd tends (or was in the past) far to techie for most people so leaving it off
> our marketing materials would probably make no difference to most people.  
> face it, mostly people will only notice the "Windows" part and ignore the 
> It's even possible that seeing mention of the other operating systems, such as
> Mac, might scare them off.  Many computer shops only claim to be able to help
> Windows users but will often be happy to fix linux problems at a discount.  
> avoid mentioning that in their literature and advertising because it has been
> found to scare off Windows users.  Windows has a serious malware problems so
> people get scared easily.
That is why there will be a Windows-Only version as well, for those 
people we know that will only want or need to have a Windows version.

Malware issues - well that it why I have about 1/4 of my CPU power on my 
Vista laptop running security software.  Sometimes I use it to clean 
other people's drives by plugging in their drives a external ones.  I 
shocked an insurance guy when his tried to infect mine but could not and 
there were over 1,000 security issues on his laptop's drive.  It was 
much easier to do it that way than do all the work to get the software 
to work on his badly infected laptop.

That is one reason I now us Ubuntu as my default desktop computer and my 
laptop is now dual-boot Vista and Ubuntu.

> People that use Bsd will mostly be used to the idea that if something works in
> linux then the source code can probably be acquired easily and probably 
> in Bsd fairly easily.
> So, i am quite happy with the idea of leaving Bsd off the marketing materials
> but one day it would be nice if we could be open and proud of what our devs&
> people such as Baptiste Daroussin have achieved.
> Regards from
> Tom :)

Never used BSD before, but someone told me that Mac used BSD as the 
starting point for OSX.

Well, it would be nice to not have to deal with it if we do not need to 
deal with it.

The less there is on the printed paperwork for people to deal with, the 
easier it could be do use.  I just wish that Linux would be easier to 
install software, like Windows with their .exe files.  Sometimes the 
.deb files are easy, but when you need to use the terminal for the 
install, like LibreOffice needs to, it is one more issue for people to 
not want to switch from Windows to Linux.

I wonder if there would be an easier way for Linux to be installed?  
Include a single deb file to be clicked on that would to the rest of the 
install automatically, like some executable script that can be run via a 
file navigation system and not need to be run in terminal?

HP now needs to have the drivers for its printers run the "make" 
utilities so that Ubuntu can use them.  But all you have to do is run 
the .run script and the rest is done for you.  I do not remember that 
was the case when I used Ubuntu 9.x 64-bit., or when I first used 10.04, 
but now it does.  I just wish we had a better driver for the graphics 

Hi :)
How about just putting a title "BSD" and say something vague and general such 
"System requirements are likely to be similar for other operating systems.  
Contact TDF directly or the operating system's technical support for details.". 
Obviously tech support = community forums and such like but the words tech 
support sound better to people that are not familiar with OpenSource systems.  
Details would need too much updating but a vague nudge in the right direction 
likely to be more than enough.
Regards from
Tom :)
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