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On Feb 8, 2013, at 12:55 PM, John Wesley wrote:

Ever heard of "microfactionalism" ? Ever heard of anibal Escalante? He was expelled from the Cuban CP on that accusation. His "crime"? He was too pro-Soviet. lol

Indeed. The Escalante affair was a major point I raised in the SWP at that time. At issue, of course, was the fact that he had been expelled on undefined charges of "bureaucratism" without ever being allowed to present his case to anyone outside the Castroite leadership. The hacks running the SWP plus their acolytes Barnes, Camejo, and Sheppard of course were applauding. I objected on the ground that if Cuba claimed to be democratic Escalante's political views, right or wrong, needed to be debated in front of the Cuban workers rather than being administratively suppressed. Which of course made me and my views a target for administrative suppression.

On Feb 8, 2013, at 11:52 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

The Cuban CP does not have factions but that does not mean that there are not fierce debates.

And there were, no doubt, even fiercer debates [post-Stalin] on the CPSU's politbureau (as Beria, Malenkov, Khrushchev et. al.) could attest. But (until Gorbachev) not a word of those debates was ever heard in public. As in Cuba (cf. Carlos Lage). The debates take place behind closed doors and are decided by a self-coopting bunch quite willing to "demote" dissenters. In a democratic organization or in a democratic country the only meaningful debate is that which takes place in public, and the only legitimate decisions on policy are made after that debate by majority vote of the members or citizens. The Communist Manifesto proclaimed that the *first* act of the working class upon seizing power is to "establish democracy." The power of the soviets was a democratic power, and that was why Lenin and Trotsky were right to proclaim the Russian revolution as "proletarian"--and why the Cuban revolution and its state Party are not.

Shane Mage
"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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