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Usually when an article is posted to this list, people will respond with
disagreements or comments concerning the article's contents. Of course,
even when there is no disagreement, one has the right to change the subject
and discuss some other issue involving the same author, as Amith has
treated us to:

At 23:06 09-07-16 -0700, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:
>Greenstein ..... mixes his analysis with witchhunts for
>anti-Semitism and racist privileging of Jewish voices like his own.

I wish Greenstein were on this list so he could just respond directly, but
since he isn't I'll speak up right now in his defense, and challenge Amith
to back up charges that he is so quick to throw around. After all, these
are clearly not actual "positions" that Greenstein takes, so the burden of
proof is on Amith to point to Greenstein's behaviour or writings (easy
enough to find on the internet!) to back up the charge. If (as I believe)
he cannot, then I'd expect him to post a retraction and apology to the
wronged individual. 

The charge of "racist privileging" itself borders on the absurd. But if it
had any truth, there would certainly be something concrete to point to.

The charge of "witchhunts for anti-Semitism" I can take a bit more
seriously, partly because Amith has made the same idiotic charge against
myself. It implies that Greenstein (and I) has a preoccupation with
antisemitism in a world which, in this era of history and in most places,
Jewish communities do not particularly face racist attacks.

But of course we know what Amith is worried about is us finding antisemites
within the Palestine solidarity movement. I certainly don't believe
Greenstein (nor myself) has engaged in a "witchhunt" of any sort. But when
right-wingers are found to be promoting their campaigns and organizations
AT THE EXPENSE of the Palestinians, or interjecting their politics into the
solidarity movement under the guise of being defenders of Palestine, then
OF COURSE it's proper to identify that danger. Unsurprisingly, those
right-wingers are often openly antisemitic or friendly to antisemites.

When asked by Ken, Amith concedes that Gilad Atzmon should be shunned,
calling him a "nutjob" (as if a person's mental state makes their public
actions more or less objectionable). I believe there was at least one other
right-winger in the UK scene that Greenstein helped expose and isolate. But
referring to a "witchhunt" implies filing UNJUST or exaggerated charges
against someone. Now Amith, name ONE PERSON who has been unjustly accused
of being right-wing  (or antisemitic) by Greenstein!

When Amith can answer that, then we can begin a discussion about
"witchhunts." Otherwise Amith owes this list a retraction and the maligned
an apology.

There is also the irony (perhaps this is what pissed me off enough to write
this reply) that there IS a witchhunt against supposed antisemitism in
which Tony Greenstein and other leftists in the British Labor Party
(notably Ken Livingston) are TARGETS. Greenstein (among many others) has
fought against attempts to liken antizionism to antisemitism, which of
course is routinely used by the right to smear Palestine and her defenders.
If Amith's real concern was about "witchhunts," then you'd expect him to be
rushing to Greenstein's defence, rather than turning the accusation around.

(Of course this isn't just about Greenstein, but Amith has made similar
accusations against entire organizations which he has been unable to
provide evidence for. But let's keep this simple and just find a single
case of "witchhunting" by a named author who Amith felt compelled to apply
that label to even when he had no disagreement with that persons article
that was posted.)

- Jeff

>> https://rdln.wordpress.com/2015/08/15/israel-worlds-most-racist-state/

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