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I can't say whether Jeff is telling me what I want to hear or not, since I
don't really follow wtf he's written.  He does seem to have entirely
inverted my point, but I wouldn't swear to anything.

For my own part, I was never too proud or too arrogant as to think I didn't
need to learn from any source available and through any venue it might be
offered. I sat through many lectures, new members classes, etc. and gained
enormous benefit from them.

Of course, the best way to pass these things on is hands-on.  Those who
went before did that.  And failing to do that is where I seriously fault my

I believe that, however different in detail, we faced many of the
organizing problems our predecessors did.  We always do.

The starting point is that the only thing we have on our side ultimately is
our numbers.  The movement is about getting the most numbers into action at
the most vulnerable point.

Regardless of whatever comforting notions your parents imparted to you,
politics is not about you any more than its about any other individual.
Making the politics public is about their impact.  No demonstration is
worth having if it's not worth building, carefully and thoughtfully.

I feel no more obligation than any member of the working class to go to
anything that can't give me more than 48 hours notice because I know that
it will be small and that the organizers either haven't figure out what
they're doing or why they're doing it.

Posting meetings or rallies for tomorrow afternoon on Facebook will
particularly ensure that I won't be there . . . because I doubt many people

And I do not know if that's what Jeff wants to hear and have been far too
busy to be concerned.  :-)

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