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On 12/2/16 2:04 PM, Jeff via Marxism wrote:
Maybe Mark and other historians could comment further, but I'd be
surprised of any case in history in which radicalizing young people gave
much weight at all to advice from activists recounting their experiences
from 40 years earlier.

40 years? I learned my Marxism from Farrell Dobbs in 1967 who led a general strike in Minneapolis in 1934 so that is 30 years. I created this mailing list in 1998 in order to transmit the Marxism I learned from Dobbs but without the "Leninism" that went with it. As it happens, I learned about the mass movement by building the antiwar movement in the late 60s and early 70s so that means I am 50 years after the fact rather than 30.

In terms of Marxist theory, I don't think it makes much difference if it is 30 or 50 years. There's not much in the 20 year gap that would change one's assessment of the Democratic Party or the labor theory of value.

What does matter is the relevance of lessons you learn as organizers. There wasn't that much out of Dobbs's lecture on organizing teamsters that could be of much use in building antiwar demonstrations.

A few days ago a list member in his 20s wrote me:

> I wonder if you have any nuts and bolts mechanics insights from Camejo
> worth sharing.

I wrote him back:

Not exactly. I have tons of memories about working with Peter in the early 70s but they were hardwired to Boston politics and not really transferable.
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