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In the early 1980s I recall that older, most former, Communist Party members 
played invaluable roles in the movements I  was, as a student,  involved with 
at the time - anti-Nuke, Central America solidarity etc. - While they carried 
with them dreadful political baggage, of which I was then only dimly aware, the 
fact is that on numerous matters of practical application their advice was 
invaluable - how to organize demonstrations, phone banking, obtaining legal 
observers, organizing coalitions etc. I know that former SWP members have 
played and continue to play similar roles, roles that  can best be termed as 
mentoring, in various movements throughout the country - although each year 
there are fewer of them. 

I think what Mark describes are the consequences of the destruction, decimation 
is too mild a word, of the organized left in the 1970s and 1980s.  As a result, 
there is little if any institutional memory left for the newly radicalized to 
draw upon.  SR

----- Original Message -----

At some point, we really need to confront thefailure of the Boomers to passon 
the essential lessons we got had coming out of the radicalization of the1960s 
and 1970s. Whenever I see young people stumbling for understandingor trying to 
figure out how to have a demonstration, I get very flusteredwith them, but 
hopefully show it rarely. The real question is where thehell were the 
grey-haired activists who were supposed to help them learn towalk.

Where were the Boomers when Occupy was being led off like lambs to 
theslaughter, eh? And don't get me started about BLM or the Greens. :-)


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