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On 6/5/18 6:49 AM, Jason wrote:
"I follow Baraka on Twitter and I have not seen a single tweet about Syria in 2 years from him." Here's one from Feb 2017 calling the White Helmets al-Qaeda: https://twitter.com/ajamubaraka/status/836359981662339074 ("The real scandal last night was the awarding of an Oscar to the civil defence outfit of the al-Nursra front, the al-Qaeda off-shoot in Syria").

And unless I missed it, Jacobin has ceased publishing pro-revolution voices again (going on a year now) and refuses to publish a rebuttal of Shupak's horrible article.

One tweet from early last year? That's a far cry from Blumenthal or Khalek.

As for Jacobin, you have to remember that they removed Max Ajl from the editorial board. He was responsible for most of the putrid pro-Assad stuff that used to dominate the magazine--like Shupak's in other words. I should probably add that Sunkara was much closer to Ajl than he was to the ISOers who probably helped to move the magazine closer to reality. When I made some wisecrack that got under Sunkara's skin on Twitter, the twerp first tweeted that I was a NATO tool and then blocked me. It was funny to see the smarmy salesman get pissed.

For that matter, there is still a lot of work to do. I don't think walking out on Ajamu Baraka is what is needed, however. It is much more about writing analysis, which requires some deep thinking and research like this article by Omar Sabbour in Open Democracy that had alarmingly published some real garbage on Syria a few months ago.

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