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First of all, I do think that Baraka still holds to his Assadist position.
Take this article from August of 2017, for example:

Also, he is a leading member of the Black Alliance for Peace, which is most
definitely an Assadist group. It also seems to me that he still holds to
the conspiracist approach.

Secondly, I am not as confident as is Louis regarding the position of the
left on Syria and, beyond that, in a red brown alliance. I think it's all
of one piece. And I do see a general tendency to completely dismiss any
claims as to the real role of Putin. It may be that some of the soft left
journals like "The Nation" have shifted their view, but as far as the
so-called peace groups, they're almost all still strongly Assadist. In
April, these groups held nationwide peace marches. They were in general
very poorly attended. However, what will happen if Trump attacks Iran, or
something like that? Then a whole new layer of young people will become
active. Where will they go? Will the Assadist UNAC, for example, be able to
draw them into their orbit? I think that is very possible.

So, I hope Louis is right that the Assadist "left" is a spent force, but
I'm not so optimistic.

John Reimann
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