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s.artesian wrote:

> And exactly what does that have to do with the issues, data,
> definition, evidence of "semi-colonialism?"  Should I start
> quoting all those supporters of popular fronts, socialism in one
> country, etc. who are also true believers of Lenin's gospel
> of imperialism as evidence against Lenin's analysis?

If anybody sees Lenin's pamphlet in terms of gospel, they deserve 
castigation. I favor taking all his works off the pedestal, starting 
with "What is to be Done". These works were all written to address the 
exigencies of their time. Period.

In terms of the issue at hand, the national question is intimately 
linked to Lenin's writings on imperialism. Angelus has described himself 
as favoring Rosa Luxemburg's approach to the national question which 
doesn't quite explain his horrible comments on the Palestinians. It is 
not too hard to figure out that he reflects confusion on the German left 
about the Middle East.

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