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Right, right.  Joaquin laid a trap... after laying out what he thought in 
detail.  Sure he did.

Here's what he said:

"On modes of production, not going there"

Which doesn't stop JB from going here:

"b) These superprofits make it possible for the bourgeoisie to create a
privileged strata of workers within the imperialist countries and to
make the working class of those countries in their big majority
privileged in comparison to the world working class as a whole. This is
the material basis for opportunism in the labor movement as well as
national chauvinism among workers of dominant nationalities in the
imperialist countries"

So-- no answer on modes of production, but somehow we get "superprofits"--  
without defining what superprofits are, and we get those superprofits 
bribing a not just a labor aristocracy but the big majority of workers in 
the advanced countries.... But no, not going anywhere near the mode of 
production, because.. because JB gets dizzy when there's anything that 
requires concrete data for... the effects of the mode of production.  Much 
better to posture around the ideological positions derived from data that 20 
years old when Lenin was writing his pamphlet, and the interpretation of 
which by Lenin is painfully, and transparently mistaken.

There are no potshots here.  Periodically, JB reproduces these "points" 
about imperialism in support of his rah-rahing for Lula, or Morales, or his 
radical of the week.  Sometimes he even specifies where the superprofits 
come from-- but then those specifics have been refuted here-- regarding 
unequal exchange, royalty payments ["rents"] and the "superprofits" 
themselves.  JB has yet to answer any of those refutations, because of 
course, they all involve the actual mode of production, which makes JB 
dizzy.  And by the way, the dizziness is quite evident in what JB does 
submit-- dizziness to the point of self-delusion where,  big game hunter 
that he is, JB, popgun at ready with the safety off, decides to give us all 
an example of how he has penetrated the core of Lenin's iceberg without 
analyzing the mode of production.

Somehow of course, that revolutionary anti-imperialist iceberg takes us not 
into a collision course with the Titanic of advanced capitalism, or with 
capitalism as a "world system," but rather the iceberg is taken into tow as 
supply of drinking water for the Lulas, the Kirchners, the Sukharnos, of the 

Now maybe there's such a thing in this modern world as imperialism, and 
maybe there isn't.  But saying so doesn't make it so.  And if there is 
imperialism then it is based on a particular mode of production. It is 
derived from, and manifests itself, that mode of production.  Pointing out 
that those who want to avoid the issue are doing so out of their 
incapabilities in understanding and explaining what they already assume, is 
not a manifestation of "imperialist privilege."  It's called Marxism.

Anytime JB wants to define "semi-colonial,"  particularly with regard to 
Brazil, a settler state that established it nationalism in a reaction 
against the anti-feudal incursion of the French bourgeoisie into its mother 
country, and which constituted itself as the seat of an empire; which fed 
its uneven development with the blood of slaves until 1888, which was never 
subjugated or subordinated to any advanced country as Cuba was, as the 
Philippines were, as Indonesia was.... anytime  JB wants to take time out 
from laying traps  I remain ready and willing to take my anti-vertigo 
medication and deal.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joaquín Bustelo" <jbust...@bellsouth.net> 

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