Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

It is my understanding that Cuban “national Labour Code legislation of  
1984, and supplementary laws, comprehensively guarantee both workers’ 
individual  rights and collective rights. Legislation also guarantees workers 
right to  belong to a trade union as well as conferring the state with the 
responsibility  for finding work for everyone over the age of 17, including 
people with  disabilities, who is able and willing to enter employment. Since 
the nineties  the voice of the trade unions has become an increasingly 
important component of  the economic and political life of the country. The 
Code is now being  reformed to take into account the new economic 
circumstances that have raised  the unions’ profile and the unions are at the 
heart of 
the consultation process  in the redrafting of this fundamental 
Of the approximately 4 million people who are economically active in Cuba,  
98% belong to a trade union. In addition there are 250,000 pensioners who 
are  union members. The position of women, who make up 43% of trade unionists 
in Cuba  was one of the subjects discussed at the XIX Congress of the CTC 
(3) which took  place in September 2006. Women account for 58.9% and 53.6% of 
officials at  regional and local levels respectively and the importance of 
ensuring equal  opportunities for women, as well as the need to increase the 
provision of  nursery places (Círculos Infantiles) for the young children 
of working mothers  were highlighted as priorities in this area of the 
discussion at Congress.
(1) _http://www.cuba-solidarity.org/faqdocs/Cuba-the-trade-unions.pdf_ 

You, Mr. dan writes: 
“In the context of Cuba, trade unions are banned, the working class obeys  
directives and the down-trodden have no say in the economic policies of Raul.
Please explain the meaning of “Cuba, trade unions are banned.” 
I am not a “Cuba watcher.” Have I missed the dramatic event  of trade  
unions being banned?  Was it not the “Trade Union Federation” that  announced 
the “redeployment” of 500,000 state workers? 
Immature Marxism
Everyone gets a chance to learn more on this list. I have learnt many  
things from the list. 
What dan wrote: 
“it is my understanding that the material relations of production determine 
 men's consciousness that draws me to Marx's materialism. And thus the 
analysis  of the relations of production within Cuba which bring me to the 
conclusion that  you're the idealist, . . .” 
On a scale of 1 – 5 with “1” being excellent, you score 6. Off the scale.  
Here is what was quoted: 
“It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but  
their social existence that determines their consciousness.”
Marx address “existence” of our specie and plainly states existence  
determines consciousness. 
Material relations of production is a much narrower field than existence.  
Consciousness arises before “material relations of production,” and  
corresponding division of labor and consciousness and ritual behavior rooted in 
the “production relations.” Therefore material relations of production, or 
what  is the same, “production relations” of a given era/epoch impacts, 
shapes and  determines specific forms of consciousness of that era. 
Consciousness is a “big  word.” 
Where I grew up, no Marxist or communist is somehow required to support any 
 policy or specific actions of any state . . .period. You claim the Cuban  
government is nationalist. Fine. What about the state and the form of 
property  ownership of “socially necessary means of life” in Cuba? Do 
own the  energy infrastructure, as inadequate as it is? What industries are 
owned by  capitalist? 
Mr. Dan you screamed so much about sugar in Cuba, one would not know nickel 
 is her chief export and its price is off 50% from last year. 
The point is that you write against the general sentiment of the list and  
need to show where trade unions have been banned in Cuba. 

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