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On Sep 17, 2010, at 8:18 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
> On 9/17/10 8:13 PM, Shane Mage wrote:
>> Perhaps if the Cuban revolutionaries had read their Trotsky they  
>> would
>> have learned that the Stalinist "USSR" was a totally
>> counterrevolutionary regime whose "aid" was motivated by imperial
>> interests, just as much as was the hostility of the Americans, and
>> that by accepting a political quid pro quo for that aid they were
>> effectively sabotaging their own revolution.
> But, Shane, you don't really distinguish Castro from Stalin so your
> point is rather specious.

I have consistently referred to Castro as a real (however national)  
revolutionary, and to Stalin as an Okhranik villain who restored a red- 
tinted Tzarist regime. What more distinction is needed?

Shane Mage

"All things are an equal exchange for fire and fire for all things,
as goods are for gold and gold for goods."

Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr, 90

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