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Some interesting letters to the NY Times, contesting an article by the
conservative scum bag David Brooks, who suggests that Loughner's
rampage had nothing to do with politics:

January 11, 2011

To the Editor:

I disagree with the narrow way that David Brooks presents the Arizona
shootings in “The Politicized Mind” (column, Jan. 11).

The suspect, Jared L. Loughner, seems to be a disturbed individual,
but all societies have mentally unstable citizens, and yet the United
States has a high rate of these killing sprees; Columbine, Fort Hood
and Virginia Tech come to mind. These mass killings do not happen with
such frequency in any other developed country. There must be unique
contributing factors beyond the mere presence of mentally ill members
in American society.

I can think of at least three:
¶The easy, unfettered access to guns.
¶The difficulty of obtaining health care for the mentally ill.
¶The toxic and inflammatory political rhetoric in this country.

It is incredible to me that it is easier to buy a semiautomatic pistol
than to operate a car in the United States. There is great irony that
Representative Gabrielle Giffords’s support for the law to provide
health care for more Americans like Mr. Loughner inspired vitriolic
opposition. All societies have their share of Loughners, but only the
United States has the unique environment and lack of support systems
that cause them to act out at a higher rate and with such devastating

Chris Librie
Racine, Wis., Jan. 11, 2011

To the Editor:

I take exception to David Brooks’s efforts to separate the climate of
political hate from the shooting rampage in Tucson. If Jared L.
Loughner had staged his rampage at his workplace, or in his
neighborhood or in some other place devoid of political implications,
Mr. Brooks would be right — another senseless mass killing by a man in
need of treatment in a country in need of better gun control.

But Mr. Loughner was not, as Mr. Brooks contends, “locked in a world
far removed from politics as we normally understand it.” Mr. Loughner,
even if mentally disturbed, chose his venue — a political gathering —
and chose his victim, a Democratic congresswoman.

Furthermore, he made these choices in an atmosphere fired by hate
speech, much of it explicitly directed at Democrats. Mr. Brooks is
correct that we don’t know whether the Tea Party or Sarah Palin’s
targeting of Gabrielle Giffords using cross hairs played any explicit
role in influencing Mr. Loughner’s choice of victim, but his heinous
act, however irrational, was inescapably political.

Mary-Lou Weisman
Westport, Conn., Jan. 11, 2011

To the Editor:

The explanation on your opinion pages for the Tucson shooting seems to
divide along liberal and conservative lines. While liberal columnists
like Paul Krugman (“Climate of Hate,” Jan. 10) emphasize the current
political environment that they contend encourages outrage and
violence, conservatives, like David Brooks, point out that the suspect
is mentally ill and answers mainly to the voices in his own head. Both
offer interpretations that confirm their and their readers’ worldview.

Is it not possible that they are both correct?

Edward Abrahams
Bala Cynwyd, Pa., Jan. 11, 2011

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