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> Some interesting letters to the NY Times, contesting an article by the
> conservative scum bag David Brooks, who suggests that Loughner's
> rampage had nothing to do with politics:
> January 11, 2011

Well, this is also the viewpoint of the psychiatrist who was interviewed
by Salon.com. Let me repeat what he said:

Q: We've heard a lot of debate about how heated political rhetoric
might have led to this. What do you think about that?

A: I think it's a red herring. We have seen these kinds of things in
periods with relative peace in the political environment, we've seen
it in turbulent times. I think it's unrelated, frankly.

The only reason we're talking about this today is that he killed six
people rather than one person and that one of the people he shot is a
congresswoman. These are not uncommon events. People like this man,
with likely untreated schizophrenia, are responsible for about 10
percent of the homicides in the United States. That means about 1,600
homicides a year.

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