-----Original Message----
From: Javad Eskandarpour
Date: 15 April, 2001 3:32 PM

>Comrade Brian,
>In relation to your comments, I would like to make the following remarks
>concerning those issues with a possible "ambiguous" language on my part.
>(1)In my previous commentary on Zionism, I have not considered "a broader
>Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world".
>So, if this is the case, then I do not see any "ambiguous" language
>regarding the text of my comments unless one unconsciously projects the
>"Jewish conspiracy" of the neo-Nazis on my comments. Also, the "Jewish
>conspiracy" theory is a non-class idea which is propagated by racist
>capitalists of other religious affiliation, like racist "Christian"
>capitalists. So, Marxist-Leninists do not succump to that quagmire of
>theoretical confusion to entertain themselves with this "Jewish conspiracy"
>theory. The rejection of the "Jewish conspiracy" theory does not mean that
>Marxist-Leninists do not see the international Zionism as another strong
>tentacle of the parasitic Imperialism to maintain the rule of Capital.
>(2)Another point that you see as a problem in my previous comments on
>Zionism is "the international Zionism". As I mentioned before, I do not
>entertain the "Jewish conspiracy" theory. So, if this is the case, then by
>"the international Zionism" I refer to the ruling fascist state of Israel
>and its "pagan" international supporters, the World Zionist Oranisation
>its front oranizations which make the existence of the fascist state of
>Israel possible through their political lobbying in different countries to
>secure a tremendous finacial "loans", mostly as "gifts", and through their
>efforts to make a large financial contribution of "Diaspora" possible,
>mostly Zionist billionaires and millionaires. Of course, this
>characterization is a tip of the iceberg of "the international Zionism" but
>sufficient at this moment of our discussion.
>(3)Regarding Milan's comment on "Zionist Mafia connected with Yeltsin", I
>not know what he means exactly by "their intention
>was to destroy completely Russia." But my understanding of his comment is
>that the "Zionist Mafia" was to destroy the Russian Fderation completely in
>regard to its remaining socialist structure because I assume that Milan
>would comment on this matter as a communist.

Milan: Yes! I was talking from communist point of view. It is obviously that
such Mafia exist. It is obviously that's Russia steel a threat to USA. It is
obviously that USA would use any, I say ANY, Mafia.

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