
    We are happy to see some healthy discussion and exchanges of experience 
return to the ML list. So with these comments I would like to add on to the 
richness of our experience.

    Revisionism and opportunism has been the dominant trend within the 
imperialist oppressor nations since WWII. We overstand this as being rooted 
in the economic relationships that constitutes world imperialism, the role of 
super-profits, and the class nature of the imperialist nations. 
    As for the old CP was peace when it was first founded in the early 20s as 
a genuinely proletarian vanguard composed rooted mainly in the Eastern 
European communities of immigrant workers, but even then revisionism, 
expressing itself as an Amerikan white nationalism-chauvinism in practice 
then line. Other than that the cp, for the larger part of its history, was 
largely void of the thororoly revolutionary and proletarian masses of North 
Amerika such as the East Asian proletarians employed on the railroads, or the 
immense proletarian masses in the cotton fields of the South. In the thirties 
tho, we see an effort and a two-line struggle with the party to base the 
party in the proletariat or the expanding labor aristocracy. During and after 
this period the old CP continued on its path of development. the experience 
of the cp is rich in practical lessons for comrades today. Comrades had 
probably read Comrade Harry Haywood excellent and valuable Memoirs -- Black 
Bolshevik for a vivid description of this period, and his observations about 
the nature of the old CP and its contributions. In the 30s, as comrade 
Jackson use to say "the wheels fell off." Here we see the old cp at the 
height of its revolution viability, temporally overcoming the rabbit Amerikan 
white nationalist -opportunist line within its ranks and taking a tememdous 
leap forward in theory and mass practice for the Amerikan Communist Party, 
rallying the oppressed Black communities around the line of 
self-determination for the Black-Belt, which was peace, and was a step in the 
right direction. but this position and revolutionary Marxism-Leninism itself 
was thrown out  by the revisionist leaders of the old cp in the 40s. already 
comrades, we had seen the existence of this particular brand of revisionism, 
white Amerikan nationalism, and right-oppertunism within  the ranks of the 
old cp, and we then seen its formal expression as Browder's revisionist and 
Amerikan white nationalist formulation of "Amerikan exceptalism" and all the 
rest of the the garbage. During this period the old cp was the left wing of 
the new-deal of the fascist Roosevelt. The old CP even liquidated its as an 
organized detachment of the working class, and resurfaced as something like 
"the American Political Association" or something to that effect.  
    Due to practical activities I don't have the time to spit any longer i 
thought i was going to write a couple sentences, gotta be out. So that's all 
I will say at the moment but I know comrades on this list will push me on to 
say more. 
    in struggle,
    Also, Do comrades have any information, documents or experiences about 
the CP-ML, October League which formed in the 70s, Piaire -Fire Organizing 
Committee (which split from the Weather Underground) that formed in the U.S. 
There's very little info on that. Also I would like to hear experienced 
comrades observations and views on the 70s and 80s ML movement in the US, 
problems and initiatives. That would be extremely helpful. 

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