2010/2/25 Eric Firing <efir...@hawaii.edu>:
> Is it time for some re-thinking of the approach to 3-D?  I am a bystander,
> but I have the uneasy sense that trying to turn mplot3d into a first-class
> 3-D plotting tool may be a misapplication of effort. Might the effort be
> more productive if applied to mayavi, or built on mayavi, so that the 3-D
> engine is already taken care of?

Hmm, mayavi seems not suitable for our purpose,
First, mayavi always creates its gui, second, one has to use an
intermediate vtk file.  Don't know what about using vtk directly.

For me, it would just be an interesting task to solve, just as for the
person you cite:

Re: [matplotlib-devel] mpl1: models, projections, other comments
Gael Varoquaux
Sun, 22 Jul 2007 02:18:36 -0700
> [...], but I
> did learn something: a 3D package must be fully 3D, or I think it won't
> go far. My personnal opinion is that I won't spend my time on a package
> that wants to do 3D and that does not keep a complete 3D representation
> of its object at all time, and even feeds it to the backends.

I would not feed it to the backend, as our backend seems to be the mpl
plotting engine, but I agree to the basic outline of this thought.

When I move through the code of mplot3d, which is indeed much shorter
that I expected, I find it not that way :-(.

I think, it would be a good approach to rewrite the package nearly
from scratch.  I don't want to diminish the work of John and Reinier
in any way, but I think as far as my knowledge of mplot3d reaches, I
come to an answer similar to that cited above.

When John and Reinier would agree, I would like to start thus a new
package, which uses mpl clearly as a backend.  For me, I wouln't
derive Axes3D from Axes, as it intermingles both.

This approach would even make the package much more general, as other
backends could be imagined (e.g., direct file rendering or display
from more than one viewing position.)  I would feel responsible for
the C++ rendering machine, this has to be fast, but I will certainly
need some advice :-) with Python extensions.

Btw, z sorting isn't sufficient, imagining a ring of surfaces, 1, 2,
..., n, e.g. like in a turbine's compressor wheels, such that 2 > 1
and 3 > 2 ... and 1 > n, thus a ring.  Not always is a linear ordering
of the sufaces thus possible.

If my thoughts find some resonance, I would suggest a switch to


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