Mike Shapiro wrote:
>> Hi Mike
>> Thanks for looking at the webrev. Two quick questions before I push
>> the latest version:
>> (1) wrt to gethrtime() during kmdb, I understand that mdb
>> implements it's own gethrtime(). But I'm not sure what to do within
>> mdb_get_lbolt in that situation. Should I just #ifdef _KMDB it out
>> ?
>> (2) since this project is removing the lbolt variables, We've
>> received requests for a ::time dcmd that would return lbolt,
>> lbolt64 or gethrtime. What's your opinion on adding this new dcmd ?
>> Thanks, Rafael
> I don't understand-- what project is removing the lbolt variables? 
> Your webrev is just about adding an mdb API.  Also my point about
> kmdb's gethrtime() is that it just increments an integer and
> therefore you cannot backward compute an lbolt value from that.
> Can we start from the top: what problem are we trying to solve here?

Sure, from a previous email:

> One of the sub-projects of the tickless kernel effort is to decouple
> lbolt from the clock cyclic. To that end, and to address performance
> issues, the value provided by lbolt will be delivered by a function,
> and no longer a variable. The mod API references lbolt in a couple of
> places, I'm changing those in favor of the new function.

I'm proposing that we create a new mdb routine - mdb_get_lbolt() - to 
provide the value those consumers expect.

I think you answered my first question. Since cyclics don't fire when 
booted into kmdb, we can safely return a lbolt value of zero.

My second question was to try to address the need for getting a time 
reference through mdb. Currently, we could simply print lbolt. But that 
will no longer be possible because of our changes, so we'd like to offer 
a ::time dcmd to fill in this gap.

Does that make sense ?


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