On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Tethys . <tet...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 6:59 PM,  <quim....@nokia.com> wrote:
> > The trend of using web technologies to cover the "apps" space is clear
> and pushed by many factors e.g. something simple to develop simple features
> and compatibility across the jungle of platforms. I actually agree with it.
> To an extent, but I'd say the web is only simple to develop for if
> you're writing simple apps. For anything more complex, I'd *much*
> rather have a proper native development environment. I'd even go as
> far as to say that the web is a developer-hostile environment for
> anything but trivial apps. I'm not particularly wedded to MeeGo, and
> I'll quite happily use Tizen instead. But only if I can develop in my
> choice of languages and for me that means writing native code.

I think there are plenty of people who would disagree (about web being
You could look at the Microsoft Windows 8 activities that recently had so
much blogged
and otherwise written from the recent event.

Whether web "replaces" native, here's one man's opinion:


there are plenty of others, of course.
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