As I said, I was upset, 'cause I KNEW it was gonna be a screwed up mess like Korea. Also thought that we should not get involved without full, national knowledge and consent and a proper declaration of war as necessary. After way too many years "playing" at it, we finally fought the war for 11 days.

'Went into Iraq with the same type of BS. Governments don't have memories and, therefore, never learn. I knew we were in trouble in Iraq when I saw US Marines kicking down their doors and holding guns on their wives and children. Then we stood by and watched as the people destroyed their own infrastructure by all-out, free-for-all looting. Then the "stage" was firmly set when Mr. "Governor" (Whas'is name, Bremmer or Brenner?), with one stroke of a pen, did away with all of their government, all of their police and all of their military and sent all of those well-trained people home mad as hell, with no jobs and all of their guns and ammo. Less than 24 hours later, they set off first roadside IED.

'Screwed up Afghanistan by trying to do it "cheap," and let Taliban and Al-Qaida get away to sanctuary in Pakistan, then turned our backs on Afghanistan hoping Taliban and Al-Qaida would just go away.

There's more, but I'll try to calm down, now.  ;<)


----- Original Message ----- From: "Mitch Haley" <>
To: "Mercedes Discussion List" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT - Vietnam Veterans Memorial

WILTON wrote:

The tragedy of the Vietnam War is exceeded by only slavery and the Civil War as this nation's greatest tragedy. Not only were thousands of fine, young Americans sacrificed needlessly, sent into harm's way by a government with no commitment to a resolution to the conflict, but the conflict divided the country like nothing else since the Civil War.

When I was of draft age, I registered for Selective Service, but with the intent to refuse if they followed the example set in Korea and Vietnam of drafting with no declaration of war. I would have just told the draft board to give me a call when/if Congress ever declared war, as I felt that conscription was entirely unjustified outside of war.

I've changed my mind since then. I now feel that conscription is slavery of the worst kind, and the 13th Amendment outlaws human slavery.

If the country isn't facing a genuine threat to its survival, it's got no business sending citizens to their deaths against their will. If the country is facing a genuine threat to its survival, it doesn't need conscription, it can fight the attackers with volunteers. If the country is facing a genuine threat to its survival and its citizens don't want to fight to defend it, then that country's culture is so sick that it doesn't deserve to survive.


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