Two things to consider about lack of social security and medicare 80 years ago.

First, old people starved to death if they ran out of money and their children couldn't help them. Poverty once people were unable to work six days a week was the norm, and since people made even less in wages (in real dollars) then than now, saving for old age was impossible, it was all the vast majority of people could do to break even.

And medical care was very, very primitive -- no antibiotics, no insulin for diabetics, and so forth. Dr. was mostly to usher you out of this world into the next, wasn't much to be done for anyone who got sick. Needless to say, medical care is pretty cheap if you can't do anything much to make someone well.

Canada's response to the Great Depression was to set up a National Pension system, not Social Security Supplemental, and a National Health Care system so no one ever had to do without medical care.



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