Curt - are you using synthetics in the engine and tranny? That alone will let the engine "spin" a lot faster on cold mornings. I'm sure the engineers at M-B designed you car with adequately sized cables - it gets mighty cold in Northern Europe, too!;-)) Bottom line: Good battery+clean cable connections+working glow plugs+synthetic oils=easy starting, even below 0F!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Curt Raymond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:42 AM
Subject: [MBZ] Shoulda done that months ago

So Dory the 190D is at my Indy's shop for new shift bushings so I can use reverse again. That being the case I'm driving Hammie the 240D. Yesterday at 17F the battery in Hammie was just not having any of it. I rousted my wife and we dragged him around (second gear this time Jim) and he started right up. Started up off the battery on the way home, but I stopped at AutoZone anyway and for around $70 with tax I got a new battery. The change out only took a couple minutes and while I should have changed the negative battery cable while I was there, the effect was still obvious. When warm the car always starts real easy but I hadn't realized how slow the starter was going, now I just barely hit the key and it fires right up. This morning at 19F I glowed once and cranked for maybe 5 seconds before it fired up, if I'd glowed twice it'd have fired off immediately but I wanted to test things.

I spent a little time looking at the battery cables on the 190D when I last changed the oil and concluded they seem a little small for all they accomplish. Has anybody ever upgraded the cables? The existing ones appear to be about 2ga or so. I'm thinking 0ga if I could get it in the right length (or have it made) would help ensure cold starts. At the very least replacing the old weathered cables with new ones should lower resistance and help things along somewhat. Anybody know what length the cables are on a 190D 2.2l?

 '85 190D "Dory" 234kmi
 '83 240D "Hammie" 253kmi

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