Yeah. I won't get too into it ... well, we do have this labeled OT so I
won't worry ...

but I think that any well-bred, well-trained doggie with *the natural BENT
for the work chosen for it* can compete with any other breed in the
service-type tasks.

I empasize the bent because I want to point out that people don't often
understand that when they see, for instance, a very nice seeing eye dog,
that it's NOT all training. That dog was chosen as a young pup based upon
its individual personality. And among any litter, you probably know,
personalities vary. They only choose the most docile, steady and, yes, the
least (what I call) spirited ones. (And boy do I have a spirited one!) The
folks know from experience that these pups have the lowest proclivity to
dashing after squirrels, or getting too excited when a kid runs up to it, or
a big truck dashes by curbside. Or to get too excited about anything really.

Conversely, if you want a Schutzhund or police dog, or a nice hunter, or a
nice herder, you'll want the pups that are a bit more nutso.

And yes, as it was mentioned, the GSDs are commonly considered the best
*overall* in terms of a wide variety of tasks combined, hence the moniker
"super dog".

But while I admire Alsatians, they don't qute give me what I want, hence my
sleek, short-haired choice. A good Dobermann, while not a "super dog" is in
the opinion of many experts, the ultimate personal bodyguard (it's the only
breed whose sole purpose in being designed was to guard its owner at night)
(which by the way is why those who breed for "exotic" colors are doing the
breed so wrong, as are those who are breeding for a docile, resigning
wallflower - if that's what you want, go breed Cavaliers).

Hmm too much Thanksgiving feasting - my flame suit is a bit tight going on.

Oh, and Chris, Is Anka's name inspired from the Monks of New Skete books?
Must haves - those books.


Chris wrote:

BUT I must say that I have the  most admiration for all the true working
breeds - herding dogs,  retreivers (which make better service dogs than
German Shepherds  becuase their main job is to retrieve stuff for
handicapped people all  day long - although GSD's do a good job, labs are
just better).

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