Rolf, when you "look forward to Obama as POTUS", is that just a prediction,
or something you wish for? The only optomism I now feel for this race is
the possibility that the Republicrat Party might get less than 2/3 of
the vote. Under 3/4 would still make me happy. I recently saw a poll
that put McLame and Osama at 44% and 40%, don't remember which was winning,
but 84% seems way too high considering the dissatisfaction I've been hearing
about. I wanna see one of these creeps win the presidency with 30% of the
vote, that'll give him the mandate he deserves. 

I hadn't checked CPUSA in many months, so I thought they weren't coming
close to endorsing a candidate yet. I did some reading there today, and
it seems like the National Party Chair is pushing Obama, although he does
say that HRC's stated positions are better from the Communist point of view:

"Not since Bobby Kennedy has a leader stepped on the stage with as much promise
to reconfigure politics and the underlying assumptions that inform debate and
policy choices. His ability to articulate a vision, give voice to people’s
hopes, and use the platform of politics to educate millions is extraordinary.

On paper, it’s true that some of Clinton’s positions, not to mention those of
Edwards and Kucinich, are better than Obama’s. But in many ways policy
statements and party platforms are not the main things that should shape
judgments about a presidential candidate’s potential or the prospects for
change. This is looking at politics too narrowly.

It doesn’t take into account who can inspire and unite this massive upsurge, or
who can articulate a moral and political vision to tens of millions, or who has
the capacity to assemble political majorities in the post-election period, or
who has the ability to win a landslide victory against McCain and the
Republicans in November.

On these counts, advantage goes to Obama in the eyes of many voters. That isn’t
to say that Clinton wouldn’t be a worthy adversary to McCain. She would. Nor is
it to suggest that she couldn’t win in a landslide. She can. But it would be
much more difficult."

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