----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Torben Schlüntz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: Mersenne: TF - an easy way to cheat

> On Friday 20 September 2002 22:42, Torben Schlüntz wrote:
> > Anyone receiving a TF task could edit the worktodo.ini from
> > Factor=20.abc.def,59
> > to
> > Factor=20.abc.def,65
> > He would receive approx. twice the credit the effort is worth.
> Not quite - even allowing for the 1/2^6 effort involved in TF through 59
> ... through 64 bits the algorithm runs much faster than it does for 65
> and above. The factor is around 1.6 rather than 2.

Good point, and one which I didn't consider in my reply.  But the ratio must
be different for the P4, which uses SSE2 code for factorisation over 64

> Suggestion: TF should report completion of each "bit" to PrimeNet, not
> the on completion to the target depth. I don't see how this would require
> changes to the server, though there would be a (relatively small) increase
> load.

According to undoc.txt:- "You can limit how far the program tries to factor
a number.  This feature should not be used with the Primenet server.", which
implies that something bad will happen if you do.

> Suggestion: the TF savefile should be modified to contain an internal
> consistency check (say the MD5 checksum of the decimal expansion of the
> current factoring position) so that cheating by editing the savefile,
> "jumping" past a large range of possible factors, would be made a great
> more difficult.

Easily cracked.  Why not just encrypt it?

> Regards
> Brian Beesley

Daran G.

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