----- Original Message -----
From: "Jacek Kolonko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 5:38 PM
Subject: RE: Mersenne: TF - an easy way to cheat

> > >One way to avoid this disappointment personally would be to focus
> solely
> > >upon TF or
> > >P-1.
> >
> > To the best of my knowledge, there is no way in my version (22.8.1) to
> > set the client to do only P-1.
> >
> Read undoc.txt in your Prime95 directory:
> You can force prime95 to skip the trial factoring step prior to
> running a Lucas-Lehmer test.  In prime.ini add this line:
> SkipTrialFactoring=1

That's not what Nathan meant, and it would have the opposite effect of what
Torban wants, which is to guarantee that he never LLs an exponent which has
not had a full factorisation effort.

Nathan is correct that the client can't be set only to do P-1.  I achieve
this effect by setting SequentialWorkToDo=0, and by ensuring that it never
runs out of exponents to P-1.  This requires continual hands-on management,
collecting new exponents, and unreserving completed ones.

One advantage of this, from Torban's POV, is that his chance of finding a
factor through P-1 is *increased* if it has not been properly TFed.

>    Jacek Kolonko

Daran G.

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