----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander Kruppa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "George Woltman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: Mersenne: P-1 and non k-smooth factors

> George Woltman wrote:
> > At 10:31 PM 12/3/2002 +0000, Daran wrote:
> >
> > The analysis is more complex than this.  It really depends on the prime
> > [...]
> > I'd be greatly interested in such a study.
> Peter Montgomery's dissertation, "An FFT Extension to the Elliptic Curve
> Method of Factorization",
> ftp://ftp.cwi.nl/pub/pmontgom/ucladissertation.psl.gz ,

What do I need to read a psl file?

> contains in chapter 5 an analysis of Suyama's powers and Dickson
> polynomials for the Brent-Suyama extension to stage 2.
> The number of algebraic factors in the Suyama/Dickson polynomial is the
> interesting part, i.e.

That was the conclusion I came to.

> (x^6-y^6) = (x-y)*(x+y)*(x^2+x*y+y^2)*(x^2-y*x+y^2)
> where (x-y) and (x+y) usually are both <=B2, so primes >B2 have two
> opportunities of appearing as prime factors of algebraic factors of the
> Suyama polynomial. If we assume that the values taken on by the
> algebraic factors of the poly behave like integers chosen uniformly at
> random, we could conclude that a prime p>B2 appears in (x^6-y^6) with
> probability 1-(1-1/p)^2 ~= 2/p.

In addition to the remarks you go on to make, this will only be true for
primes << the algebraic factor; intuitively I feel it ought only to be true
for primes < sqrt(factor) ~= x (in the case of x^6-y^6).  All these will be
< B2.

> However, primitive factors of x^n-y^n must be ==1 (mod n) and so the
> factors do not behave particularly randomly at all...

This doesn't make sense.  Any primitive factor f of x^n-y^n is a primitive
factor of x^(kn)-y^(kn) for any k, so the above would imply that f==1 (mod
kn) for any k.

What am I missing?

> Primes p where p-1
> has many factors in common with n have a better chance of appearing as
> factors, while those with p-1 coprime to n can only appear as factor of
> (x+y)(x-y) and are thus p<=B2...

Hence E should be chosen to be highly composite, which conclusion I had
already come to, from consideration of the number of algebraic factors.

> This causes "clumping" of primes included
> by Suyama's powers (some primes appearing often, others not at all) and
> reduces their efficiency...

Could we use this somehow?  Would it be worth skipping primes in the B1-B2
range that were highly likely to crop up in a Suyama power?

> ...Apparantly Dickson polynomials do better, but
> I don't really know much about them.
> Montgomery's dissertation is probably a very good starting point if
> someone would like to investigate the optimal choice for Suyama's powers
> (or Dickson polynomials) for Prime95.

As soon as I can figure out how to read it.

> Alex


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