Holger Waechtler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>Hi everybody, 
>has anybody of you build Mesa with Visual C for glide ? And compared this
>with 3dfx' OpenGL driver ?

Mesa 3.1 / 3.2 for 3dfx / Windows support?  Yes.

My results with a recent 3.2 build are:

1) Mesa 3.2 is generally a little slower than 3dfx's own drivers, at
least for my game and for Quake 3.  The actual slowdown varies from
around 2% (on a Banshee in a Pentium II, Windows 98) to 20% or so (on a
Voodoo 2 in a Pentium II, Windows 95).

2) The visual quality of Mesa, at least for my game, is notably
superior.  For example, I see tears in distant geometry with 3dfx's
current driver, but not with Mesa (I use the full OpenGL geometry
pipeline).  I also have a problem (almost certainly a bug, in fact:-))
with bilinear interpolation of alpha texels and alpha testing with
3dfx's drivers which doesn't occur with Mesa.

3) Both sets of drivers have crash bugs with my application, but
different ones.  The 3dfx "standalone" driver (3dfxvgl.dll, for Voodoo
1, 2 and Rush only) crashes for me whenever I use it on a Pentium III.
Quake 3 doesn't crash in the same situation, incidentally.  Mesa 3.1 and
3.2 appear to crash very early on any Voodoo 1 or Rush card, no matter
what the processor or the Windows version, both with my game and with
standard demos.

I'm currently attempting to track down the crash bug I'm seeing with
Mesa on Voodoo 1 and Rush hardware under Windows.  Unfortunately, the
best way to do this is apparently to run with a Glide version which has
debugging enabled, and the Glide source code release (due to various
licensing issues) doesn't actually contain the code necessary to build
Glide for Windows.  I'm currently attempting to persuade 3dfx to give me
a prebuilt binary of Glide 2.x for the Voodoo 1 on Windows with
debugging enabled, should they find one in an archive somewhere:-)

I'll report back to the dev list if I actually manage to get any more
information on the Mesa crashes.

                        Neal Tringham (VX)
                        ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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