On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, justin wrote:

> AHA! That would explain why it works for me but not a lot of other people.  I 
> use (actually, am FORCED to use) gas from the binutils snapshots from Cygnus's 
> sourceware, while the latest "official" (going by ftp.gnu.org) GNU release is 
> still 2.9.1.  That means pretty much all Linux distributions would ship with the 
> rather broken version 2.9.1, resulting in the problems that have been mentioned.

Hmmm, my last SuSE distro (not very actual ...) included originally, which didn't had these problems anymore. H.J. Lu released
already versions above 2.9.5, so I believed, this is the current one. Do
you know, why they have split their releases and don't update the
"official one" anymore ??

> So I guess the problem can be resolved by telling everyone to get the latest 
> binutils snapshot (be prepared to wait, as the servers have tiny limits) or by 
> putting the workarounds back in. :-(

If this is the problem, shure.

I thought about a built in version check in the configure script, if gas
might be buggy, but decided against it, since H.J. Lu couldn't tell me,
when this was fixed (his only comment was 'They are soooo old ...'), and a
real test program would be longer then some lines.

Beside this Mesa can be still built on the old Makefile way, where this
test would be skipped. (Ok, you can include such tests in Makefiles too,
but it's a bit more complicated). And as far I know the glx people
have their own build system.

I believe, the best would be a notice or warning in the README file, the
release notes or on the Download page.

- Holger

Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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