On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Brian Paul <bri...@vmware.com> wrote:
> Ian Romanick wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Ian Romanick wrote:
>>> All,
>>> It's time again to plan what version or versions of Mesa we want to
>>> release in Q1 (end of March).  It seems like 7.7.1 is a no-brainer.  Do
>>> we also want to release Mesa 7.8?  I haven't been keeping track of
>>> master, so I don't know what its state is.  Is it pretty stable?  Are
>>> there any big branches waiting to land?
>>> Working backwards from a "last week of March" release, master would have
>>> to branch to mesa_7_8_branch during the last week of February.  That's
>>> roughly 6 weeks away.
>>> Thoughts?  Opinions?
>> Assuming this plan still works for people, I'll make the mesa_7_8_branch
>> on Friday, February 26th.
> I think we could get by with a shorter "beta" period.  There's a few
> more things that would be nice to do for 7.8 which I doubt I'd get to
> before the 26th:
> 1. GL_APPLE_object_purgeable - I think the last round of patches
> looked OK.  Chris?
> 2. _mesa_memcpy() -> memcpy(), etc. replacement.  There were patches
> for this that haven't been applied yet.  Maybe someone could pick
> those up.

I applied the patches from Kenneth Graunke on the list for this.  Can
we drop  _mesa_malloc(), _mesa_calloc() and _mesa_free() and
_mesa_bzero() too?  What about the _mesa_*printf() functions?  It
looks to me like they just wrap the platform *printf() functions and
don't provide any fallbacks if the platform doesn't provide the

> 3. I'm tempted to remove some old Mesa drivers such as glide, tdfx,
> allegro, ggi, dri/mga, dri/mach64.  Maybe more.  Any objections?

Sounds great.  As George suggests, maybe we can drop dri/fb and
dri/ffb too?  What about d3d?  I don't know much about the driver, but
I don't see a lot of commits there since 1999 except mechanical
changes to keep it compiling.

Finally, I'd like to land EGLImage support for the dri2 EGL driver,
which I should be able to do next week.


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