On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Brian Paul <bri...@vmware.com> wrote:
> Guillem Jover wrote:
>> Hi!
>> [ CCing Daniel Borca who used to work on 3dfx support in Mesa and
>>   libglide, not sure though if he is around or interested anymore. ]
>> On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 17:25:02 -0700, Brian Paul wrote:
>>> 3. I'm tempted to remove some old Mesa drivers such as glide, tdfx,
>>> allegro, ggi, dri/mga, dri/mach64.  Maybe more.  Any objections?
>> Could the drivers for actual hardware (namely glide, tdfx, dri/mga
>> and dri/mach64) be exempted from removal? I at least still have cards
>> for those, not sure though how many users might be out there, but
>> whenever libglide has broken in Debian, I tend to receive bug reports,
>> so I'd assume there's still some. And it always saddens me a bit when
>> hardware support gets dropped in projects.
> I have/had no idea if the tdfx, glide, mga or mach64 drivers function
> anymore.  If someone is actively using or testing the drivers I guess
> we could keep them, but I'd rather not otherwise.

One of my co-workers, bless his soul, is digging out a PCI Voodoo3 for
my collection, so I can maintain tdfx. I don't know about glide.

I am *not* testing mga; I don't have the right motherboard for it, sorry.

mach64's DRM code was getting a once-over by somebody on either
dri-devel or LKML; maybe we could wait and see if somebody cares.

~ C.

Only fools are easily impressed by what is only
barely beyond their reach. ~ Unknown

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