Hi Lukas,

Am 06.05.2013 13:48, schrieb Lukas Bulwahn:
We can now run roscore on the qemux86 machine.
That are good news. I will try the same one my robot (omap3) during the next weeks.

Am Dienstag, 16. April 2013 13:32:00 UTC+2 schrieb Lukas Bulwahn:

    build, run and test an image with a minimal ROS system.

          o An initial step is the
            core-image-ros-groovy-qemux86-running-roscore recipe for
            the qemu VM.
            If you set ROS_ROOT=/usr and
            <http://localhost:11311>, you can start roscore, but on my
            machine it breaks down with ERROR: rosout is not built.
            Please run 'rosmake rosout'.

You have create |an empty .catkin| file in usr (touch /usr/.catkin)
We should discuss with the ros maintainers if the '.catkin' files are really required to specify theros workspaces. If yes the files should be moved to a better locationand only install by a specific package which need to be installed in all workspaces.

and set the environment variable |CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH| to /usr. Then you can run rosout.
We should also discuss this with the ros maintainersas it looks really strange to define a cmake variable during a call of a binary.

Kind regards,

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