>I've just been experimenting by storing a stack into a custom
>property of another stack,
><set the cpSomeStack of group "someGroup" to url binfile:whatever>
>and then doing something like:
><go stack the cpSomeStack of group "someGroup" as palette>
>It worked, and I got that great feeling when you discover a new piece
>of magic. (New to me that is.) But my main question is whether there
>are any pitfalls in this technique that I haven't considered.
>My reason for doing this rather than using a substack was for
>developing easily transportable and self contained "widgets" as
>Metacard groups. Just copy and paste these widgets from one stack to
>another, and if they need their own palettes, warning dialogs, or
>whatever, they can be transported with them.
>Any thought or comments are welcome.
>Dave Cragg

I like your idea.

Regards, Andu

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