I lived in Oregon a couple of years. It is pronounced
As follows: will - A - met with the "A" as in am, at, as, etc.
        I have always been amused when people pronounce it
Otherwise. I could be wrong, but I think even ET pronounces
It the way most meteorite folks do, which astonished me, since
He has lived in Oregon most of his life. None the less, the stress
Is on the a or am. 
        Best wishes, Michael

on 4/22/08 9:07 PM, Michael Murray at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> If you are from Oregon this is probably no big surprise... According
> to one of the native Willamette residents, Willamette is not
> pronounced will-a-mette, at least not by her anyway, and not
> according to the the dictionary either.  Totally unbeknownst to
> hayseeds like myself, it is actually pronounced wi-lam-it, or you can
> write that with the ligature ae in place of the a.  My
> confession...Besides having a difficult time with Allende for some
> time, I had the name Willamette wrong too.  This makes me wonder what
> other meteorites names I am mispronouncing.
> Okay, I give up,  who can help me with Berduc?
> Mike in CO
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