On 1/3/07, Nick Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Seeing the tag implementation on Operator has made me question the
existing tagging standard.  With wordpress you may get something like
"?cat=13" for a tag or something that may not even be the intended tag
at all.

Agreed, the default behaviour is very clear and easy to understand,
but I'd quite like to see some sort of escaping mechanism for
overriding the tag value.

Maybe <a href="http://example.com/?tag=foo"; title="foo">Foo</a>?

It could bear looking at but I'd want to check through the mailing
list archives to see what has previously been discussed.

I still don't
see why the standard extracts the tag from the last part of the URL
instead of the information inside the anchor tag.  When I see a tag
and click on it, I expect the visible content, not what's appended to
the end of a URL.  Anyone care to shed some light on this for me?

The main reason that I can see is to allow normalisation of tags
across different pages.  One might have <a
and the other <a
for instance.

-Ciaran McNulty
microformats-discuss mailing list

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