On 1/5/07, Fil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I second this, though I think it's easy (but admittedly ugly) for wordpress
or any other to do something like ?cat=13&cleartext=/tagName

Except rel-tag explicitly uses the last part of the URL path, and
should ignore query parameters and fragment identifiers[1]

i.e.  http://example.com/tags?tag=/fish => tags

Careful with this: already having accents is not a piece of cake, but you
will have to match
      <a rel="tag" href=".../%E3t%E3">&eacute;t&eacute;</a>
and other niceties (and consider the charset)
You'll also have the case where the link is on an image...

There are also issues with multilingual sites that might want a
unified tagging scheme.

e.g. <a href="http://example.com/tags/fish"; rel="tag">poisson</a>

-Ciaran McNulty
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