On 18 Jan 2007, at 21:23, Ara Pehlivanian wrote:
I don't agree that you can simply use rel="vote-for" because it
incorrectly gives the impression that you're "voting for" when really
you were "voted for",

It doesn't give the impression that you're ‘voting for’ though — the use of rev or rel attribute determines that.

URL A is a vote for URL B.

That is the statement described by vote links.

Which of those URLs is the current page is determined by choice of rel or rev, *not* a grammatical variant of the word ‘vote’.


The only difference here is the tense of the word ‘vote’. Moving ‘vote’ from the present tense to the past tense doesn't change the direction of the relationship.

rel="vote-for" would mean ‘The page I am linking to is a vote for this page’
rev="vote-for" means ‘This page is a for for the page I am linking to’

Separate terms are really not needed to express what you're asking for.


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