Thanks everyone. I'll try to reply to every comment individually.
(removed original comments to keep it short)

David: I wasn't suggesting "replacing" atom/rss... I wanted to ask for
use-cases or motivation to markup content that is also available
through atom/rss feeds with hatom. My English betrayed me on that
title, I guess. :)

Zhang Zhen: yes, hslices are a good reason. if nothing else, provides
alternative ways of subscribing to content. via atom/rss feeds &
hatom/hslice in IE8.

Toby: I can see why you'd want to do that, in terms of proof of
concept, but in the real world it's not a convincing "advantage".
Unless you're limited in terms of features, like a blog @

Mark Ng: Whoa! Never thought of that... it would be cool if there was
a way to paginate hatom feeds like xfn with rel="next". Is there?

Brian: That seems like a good argument... but only if crawlers
actually use that increased semantic value. I have no data about that.

If someone else still has more examples of use-cases, I'd be happy to
hear them.
André Luís

On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Brian Suda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/5/28, Mark Ng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> > 2008/5/28 André Luís <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>  >
>>  > Can someone provide me with a real use case?
> --- someone else can confirm the details, but sites like technorati
> (and/or google/yahoo!) crawl the HTML pages and attempt to use
> heuristics to determine what the title, summary, publication date and
> other entry items could be. By adding the additional semantics of
> hAtom, you are making things explicit and then they can avoid guessing
> at what you mean, and understand what you intended.
> Applications like Flock or Reblog could build plugins, so when you
> right-click on the HTML page on the hAtom entry, the context menu
> could understand where the post starts and stops, and extract other
> metadata. This interaction takes place on the page were you are
> viewing the text, rather than in some secondary RSS reading tool.
> -brian
> --
> brian suda
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