I did some experiments a while back which you may find interesting. It's a XFN 
parser which can spider pages following rel=next.


One of the more basic issues when using the web as an API is finding a method 
to interact with data split across multiple pages. We need a way of identifying 
additional information which is part of the current dataset, but on secondary 
pages. The rel attribute provides a practical standards based solution, which 
can be used to mark-up the next page in a series. We can do this with rel=me 

Personal I think that microformats parser should support Url fragment. So you 
can mark-up groups of information and provide pagination in context of a page 


Targeting the second page of posts could look something like

<a href="http://twitter.com/glennjones/2/#posts"; rel="next">Next</a>


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Janes
Sent: 28 May 2008 18:46
To: Microformats Discuss
Subject: Re: [uf-discuss] Rationale for providing hAtom instead of Atom/RSSfeeds

There's documented XFN examples of next/prev here [1] though I'm not
sure what to make of the "officialness" of it. It would be cool this
was formally documented in a way that could be used across
microformats, though as Scott says in the -new mailing list.

Regards, etc...


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 1:18 PM, Scott Reynen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On [May 28], at [ May 28] 7:07 , André Luís wrote:
>> I always thought of rel="next" as a xfn-only thing.
> I'm not seeing rel="next" in the XFN documentation.  Unless I'm missing
> something, it's not only not XFN-only, it's not XFN at all.
> On [May 28], at [ May 28] 10:09 , André Luís wrote:
>> hatom, rel="hfeed next"
>> hcalendar, rel="hcalendar next"
>> Since both formats have a root node to encapsulate several
>> hentry|vevent, it would be (AFAIK) semantically correct.
> I don't believe those are appropriate uses of the rel attribute.
>  Regardless, they're new uses, so if you're interested in pursuing this
> further, please take it to the -new list:
> http://microformats.org/mailman/listinfo/microformats-new/
> Peace,
> Scott
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David Janes
Founder, BlogMatrix

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