On [May 28], at [ May 28] 7:07 , André Luís wrote:

I always thought of rel="next" as a xfn-only thing.

I'm not seeing rel="next" in the XFN documentation. Unless I'm missing something, it's not only not XFN-only, it's not XFN at all.

On [May 28], at [ May 28] 10:09 , André Luís wrote:

hatom, rel="hfeed next"
hcalendar, rel="hcalendar next"

Since both formats have a root node to encapsulate several
hentry|vevent, it would be (AFAIK) semantically correct.

I don't believe those are appropriate uses of the rel attribute. Regardless, they're new uses, so if you're interested in pursuing this further, please take it to the -new list:



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