On 12/07/2010 17:31, Tantek Celik wrote:
If you can verify the changes made in microdata are consistent with hCard etc 
(rather than a fork), and cite the specific changes, then it makes sense to 
make updates.

It may be relevant to note that microdata is no longer part of the HTML5 core [1] . microdata does however exist as a separate specification [2] but is just "attributes" and as far as I know, microdata vCard and vEvent no longer exists as part of the microdata specification do they?. I wouldnt really be surprised to see microdata disappear all together(but that's just my thought)

Best wishes

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/microdata/

Martin McEvoy

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