Oli Please don't get me wrong microdata does offer some interesting
potential as far as microformats are concerned, It just needs looking at
with "new eyes" and in a way that can help microformats *and* be 100%
compatible with the way microformats exist now.
There are a couple of attributes that could really be useful to
microformats, the itemscope attribute because its opaque, and itemref
which very similar to the include pattern but better because it would
allow an author to reference whole blocks of data not just a single
example, you could have the following markup somewhere in a page:
<span id="contact" class="vcard" itemscope>
<strong class="fn">Alfred Hitchcock</strong>
and add different parts of a page say in the footer....
<address itemref="contact" class="adr" itemscope>
<span class="street-address">1600 Amphitheatre Parkway</span> <br>
<span class="street-address">Building 43, Second Floor</span> <br>
<span class="locality">Mountain View</span>,
<span class="region">CA</span>
<span class="postal-code">94043</span>
I don't see any problem in microformats adopting only the parts of
microdata that are useful to microformats, there are probably others who
will disagree with that though ;-)
Best wishes.
On 14/07/2010 02:45, Martin McEvoy wrote:
Hello Oli ...
On 13/07/2010 17:59, Oli Studholme wrote:
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Martin
McEvoy<mar...@weborganics.co.uk> wrote
I wouldnt really be surprised to see microdata disappear all
that's just my thought)
But how could microdata possibly disappear now that Google supports
it? ;)
Because Microdata is far to obtrusive to be practical in the "real
world" for example....
Microdata vcard example from
<span itemscope itemtype="http://microformats.org/profile/hcard">
<span itemprop=fn>
<span itemprop="n">
<span itemprop="given-name">George</span>
<span itemprop="family-name">Washington</span>
8 lines of code which would parse as:
SOURCE:document's address
FN:George Washington
great you would think, now try that using microformats, example from
<span class="vcard">
<span class="fn">George Washington</span>
3 lines of code which parses as:
SOURCE:document's address
NAME:document's title
FN;CHARSET=UTF-8:George Washington
from a commercial and practical point of view, microdata is definitely
not intended to be for "humans first" .
Anyway believe what you like, microdata needs a *lot* of work before
it can ever be considered as "micro" as far as I can see, at the
moment It just confuses people into using an unnecessary semantic.
Best wishes
Martin McEvoy
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