
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Adrien Nader <adr...@notk.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014, Matthew Brett wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Adrien Nader <adr...@notk.org> wrote:
>> > On Mon, Apr 28, 2014, Matthew Brett wrote:
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 8:04 AM, John E. / TDM <tdra...@tdragon.net> 
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > On 4/28/2014 5:17 AM, JonY wrote:
>> >> >> mingw-w64 may migrate from svn to git in the future, seeing that sf can
>> >> >> now do multiple repos per project.
>> >> > *snip*
>> >> >> Discuss.
>> >> >
>> >> > I'm a bit surprised at the choice of Git -- in my experience, Windows
>> >> > developers usually prefer Mercurial (<http://mercurial.selenic.com/>)
>> >> > because on Windows it is more lightweight and performant than Git.
>> >> >
>> >> > I also prefer Mercurial to Git because I find its syntax and workflow
>> >> > more intuitive. This is of course personal taste.
>> >> >
>> >> > Mercurial repositories are also available in SourceForge. But if the
>> >> > primary MinGW-w64 contributors are all more familiar with Git then I
>> >> > suppose it shall be Git.
>> >> >
>> >> > My two cents. :)
>> >>
>> >> >From the sidelines - a big yes please for switching to git.  In my
>> >> experience, the ease of git branching makes it far more comfortable
>> >> making and proposing changes, even substantial changes.
>> >>
>> >> I hear the same is true of mercurial, but I know it much less well.
>> >>
>> >> I very much like the github pull-request system for code review - does
>> >> sourceforge have something similar?  I know bitbucket does.  For the
>> >> projects I'm involved in, pull requests make proposing changes very
>> >> fluid, and they are good for recording discussion as well.
>> >
>> > I quite dislike github and its UI in particular. Uses flash on every
>> > page (no idea what for) and lots of javascript which makes my laptop
>> > heat and get noisy when displaying something as small as a 3-lines diff.
>> >
>> > Anyway, is there an advantage github's pages over doing it on the
>> > mailing-list like it is currently done? The amount of messages which
>> > comes from that doesn't seem to be an issue.
>> Sometimes it doesn't seem as if small things will make much
>> difference, but when you try them, they do.
>> Things really change when you're using git - because
>> a) work is naturally arranged in commits (this helps review and organization)
>> b) you can make more substantial changes because branching / merging is so 
>> easy
>> This makes it harder to review patches as text in email, because
>> patches usually don't carry the commit info, and because it's only
>> comfortable to review small changes in email text. It's very
>> inconvenient reviewing larger work-in-progress changes via patches,
>> because it's easy to lose track of the relationship of previous
>> comments and code changes.  If the author responds to comments, they
>> either have to email the whole revised patch again, or you the
>> developer need to keep a branch of your own in sync with theirs, in
>> order to test their changes.
>> This is why the pull-request mechanism is so remarkably good in github
>> - it makes proposing changes part of ordinary workflow.  A proposed
>> change is always just a branch.
>> 1) Start work on your own branch
>> 2) Push to your own fork on github while you're working
>> 3) Make pull request via a few clicks or 'hub' command line tool
>> 4) Anyone can comment on whole pull request, individual commits or
>> individual lines, using github email interface or web form interface.
>> 5) Comments remain on web interface for public record.
>> 6) Developer can rebase on master as needed using same pull request pages.
>> I think this isn't very obvious at first because svn is so hard to
>> branch that you very rarely get substantial / long-lived changes
>> except by the lead developers.
>> I really like the command line, I use vim as my editor, never use GUIs
>> for git - but I couldn't live without the github pull-request
>> interface for my projects.
> I see, thanks.
> When the amount of code to review gets larger, I simply run gitk which
> is not pretty but works really well. Gives the commit history and diffs
> and files modified; it's one of the 3 non-CLI applications I run on a
> daily basis.
> I also like that once the changes are available locally (not necessarily
> checked out on disk), I can use the usual tools to find and grep while
> github's search has never helped me find something interesting (and same
> for everyone around me).

Sure, if the changes get large, then I often find myself checking out
the branch locally as well.  The pain comes when commenting on changes
line by line using email, and that soon becomes very annoying on a
commit - by - commit basis, and tough for the author to track.

I haven't found it much of a problem going between the web interface
for comments and using local tools to look at diffs, but ``git-pulls
browse`` looks like a nice way do to that.



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