On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 07:09:12PM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > > People keep yammering this bullshit about "Security is a process".
> > > Bullshit!  Lies!  It's about paying attention to the frigging details
> > > when they are right in front of your face.  And it is very clear other
> > > vendors do not pay attention to the details, considering the work I
> > > did here was talked about all over BUGTRAQ back in that month.  No
> > > wonder these vendors and their blogboys have to have this "Security is
> > > a process" mantra to protect themselves from looking bad.
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > "Security is a process" is intended to mean 2 things. One is that the
> > idea that you can "set and forget" anything and think it's somehow
> > "secure" is a joke. To "secure" a network includes at a minimum, keeping
> > up with vendor patches for example. Processes like patch management help
> > keep systems secure. It does not say "Security is ONLY a process".
> > 
> > Secondly, it is meant to refute the moronic idea that some admins seem 
> > to have is that buying any product makes you "secure". Prevelant is the
> > idea for example that if you have a "firewall" then you are now "secure". 
> > Or, "I have Norton AntiVirus so now my PC is secured". 
> No, no no.
> You are playing the same semantic games that avoid responsibility at
> It's so very very Microsoft.
> Just like the air-conditioning technicians I keep firing because they
> can't read schematics and charts.
> Which is why I now know MORE about air-conditioners than most of the
> technicians who come here.
> The phrase, and everything you said, is all excuses for the vendors.
> It IS POSSIBLE to set something up and have it be secure and NOT TOUCH
> IT, because many people have OpenBSD machines running older releases
> running without any modification for YEARS now, RISK FREE, without
> having to update ANY THING.

No, you can put an openbsd box up and leave it for years with root login
enabled and password for a password. It takes more than correct code.
It's correct code plus correct usage. I think the GOBBLES sshd exploit
is proof enough that "set and forget" is not "risk free". 

Security is everything you've ever said, plus a process.

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