On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 01:43:01PM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> Luckily that is not a problem in ipv4.

I can get IPv6 PI and multihome with v6 as it is just like I used to be
able with v4; now there is no more v4 PI at RIPE. But what does this
have to do with the on-wire protocol again?

> > Do your ssh sessions stay up if one of your upstreams starts blackholing
> > but still announces you a full table of routes?
> My upstreams don't blackhole me, since that would be an administrative
> procedure.  They don't do it, because it is bad for business.
> You cannot equate an administrative procedure which isn't done, to an
> engineering mistake which screws everyone.

I really don't think I'll need to dignify this with a response, but
everyone who has operated a DFZ network knows there are always broken
paths to some destination, and this means broken connectivity until said
paths are manually fixed or routed around.

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