hmm, on Tue, May 27, 2014 at 07:14:49AM +0200, Otto Moerbeek said that
> block size is between 4096 and 65536, fragment size between 512 and
> block size.  Both are powers of 2, and block size can be 1, 2, 4, or 8
> times fragments size. For media files -b 65536 -i 65536 is fine. 
> If you still have too many inodes, I use -i to reduce the numbers of
> inodes during newfs, unit is bytes per inode. Newfs reports what it is
> doing, so you can see how many inodes you are getting. 
> The numbers for -g -and -h matter only at runtime, they do not
> influence the fs layout during newfs.

i smell some great FAQ material here :)

> [otto@lou:17]$ sudo newfs -N -i 1000000 -f 65536 -b 65536 /dev/rsd0l 

would there be an explicit advantage of using ffs2 in this case?
is the biggest plus of ffs2 the increased size of all the limits
and the fact that inodes are allocated only when needed?

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