>Also if you were to provide more specifics about your goals, others may
>have more input.

At the moment I'm looking hobby project to maintain/improve my skills
developing open source software and my goal is to develop/improve some
open source component(s) to be suitable on safety critical use.

What I need is some place to start, and starting point is to find
developer community whose interest is quality code, sharing some same
values and suitable platform.

>On the other for hard/soft hard real-time I might look elsewhere

I'm looking possibility to isolate process on own CPU core because when
looking from safety perspective, it is bad thing if some other process
can jam CPU. Memory and hard drive isolation are easy tasks but if OS
have possibility to isolate CPU too, that opens new possibilities.

If this can be done, it is not long way to improve real time

Not sure yet am I looking from right place. I just LOVE to browse
OpenBSD source tree. It is clean in many ways, simple and I have found
it to be realiable. However, it is unclear what are interests of OpenBSD
developers and where project is heading.

I consider that going deep kernel internals is out of scope for my
interests so some developer hacking kernel every week should have
interests to enable OpenBSD suitable for safety programming. Otherwise I
have to look elsewhere.

>Can you give more details about what tools/techniques you have in mind?
Formal specifications defined with modified condition/decision coverage,
model checking, automated theorem proving etc. To get that point, I have
to use heavy static analysis to clean code to the point that it can be

OpenBSD is aiming security and using proactive methods + code auditing
to achive that, but proving that some pieces of code are correct raises bar.
Zero defects means zero security holes.

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