On 07/12/14 20:20, Dmitrij D. Czarkoff wrote:
> Riley Baird said:
>> As for why I want to create the distro, I think that OpenBSD has
>> excellent security, and I would like to create a version without the
>> binary-only microcode included.
> Isn't it easier to just do
>  # cd /mnt/etc; tar czf firmware{.tgz,}; rm -R firmware
> from bsd.rd after installer exits?

Yes, it definitely would be. You'd also need to change the installer
script such that fw_update is not run on first boot. I've removed the
firmware from my own system already. Also, it would be nice to be able
to build the source tree without requiring the firmware files to exist.

However, remember that if someone doesn't know much about OpenBSD, they
will either: a) think that OpenBSD does not contain binary-only firmware
due to the "Blob-Busters" marketing or b) not know where to look to
remove it should they wish to

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